70-519 – parte 6
8:51 | Author: Unknown

Preparing For and Investigating Application Issues (15%)



Choose a testing methodology

This objetive may include but is not limited to: black box, integration, regression, coverage, API testing, performance testing, security testing


Black Box
Black box testing. This approach tests all possible combinations of end-user actions. Black box testing assumes no knowledge of code and is intended to simulate the end-user experience. You can use sample applications to integrate and test the application block for black box testing. You can begin planning for black box testing immediately after the requirements and the functional specifications are available.




API testing

Performance testing

Security testing

This objective does not include: load testing, Web testing, unit testing

Design an exception handling strategy

This objetive may include but is not limited to: HandleError attibute in MVC, common error pages, post-error processing, global vs page level.

HandleError attibute in MVC
The HandleError attribute (which appears on the default controllers in an MVC project) tells the framework that if an unhandled exception occurs in your controller that rather than showing the default Yellow Screen of Death it should instead serve up a view called Error. The controller-specific View folder will be checked first (eg. Views/Home/Error.aspx) and if it's not found, the Shared folder (Views/Home/Error.aspx) will be used.

Common error pages

Post-error processing

Global vs. page level

    Recommend and approach to debugging

    This objetive may include but is not limited to: tools and approaches for a given scenario (for example, memory dumps, DebuggingAttributes, crashes vs hangs, deadlocks, assembly binding), when to attack a process (visual Studio Development Server vs. IIS vs. Internet Explorer), root cause analisys.

    The objetive doesn’t include: basic breakpoints

    Memory dumps


    Crashes vs. hangs


    Asembly bindings

    Root cause analisys

    Recommend an approach to performace issues.

    This objetive may include but is not limited to: wich instrumentation to watch or create, (including performance counters and event tracking) to analyze performance issues, page and fragment caching.

    70-519 – parte 5
    18:52 | Author: Unknown

    Designing Security Achitecture and Implementation (17%)

    Plan for operational security

    This objetive may include but is not limited to: approaches for process; and resource-level security, including local and remote resources; Code-Access Security (CAS), including trust level, process identity, application pool, and identity tag.

    Approaches for process


    Resource-level security

    Code-Access Security (CAS)

    Important!!  Security changes in .Net 4

    Design and authentication and authorization model

    This objetive may include but is not limited to: authentication providers, including WindowsForms, and custom user identity flowthrough (for example, trusted subsystem), role management, membership providers, URL authorization (for example, AuthorizationAttribute), file authorization, Authorization Manager (AzMan)

    Authentication providers

    Role management

    Membership provider

    URL Athorization


    Plan for minimizing attack surfaces

    This objetive may include but is not limited to: input validation, throttling inputs, request filtering, where to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)


    Input validation (buscar material mas moderno)


    Throttling inputs

    Request filtering


    70-519 – parte 4
    16:03 | Author: Unknown

    Designing Data Strategies and Structures (18%)


    Parte 0 | Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3a | Parte 3b

    Design data access

      Contextual validation
      Synchro between UI and data layer
              70-519 – una pausa
              19:00 | Author: Unknown


              Ya van cinco post, creo que tengo posibilidades de llegar a prepar2004 vacaciones enero Uruguay 020ar el examen. Lo que me he dado cuenta que los post se van convirtiendo mas en una especie de wiki que vuelvo y los updateo constantemente que en un blog en si. por lo que si existe una propuesta de armar esto de alguna otra forma es bienvenido.


              Parte 0 | Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3a | Parte 3b

              70-519 – parte 3b
              16:05 | Author: Unknown

              Designing the User Experience (17%)


              Parte 0 | Parte 1 | Parte 2 | Parte 3a

              Plan for cross-browser and/or form factors

              This objective may include but is not limited to: evaluating the impact on client side behaviors, themes, bandwidth, style sheets (including application design - task based or scaled rendering of existing page), when to apply Browsers file, structural approaches, user agents, different platforms (mobile vs. desktop)

              Evaluating the impact on

              • client side behaviors
              • themes
              • bandwidht
              • style sheets


              Plan for globalization

              This objective may include but is not limited to: designing to support local, regional, language, or cultural preferences, including UI vs. data localization (for example, implementing at database level or resource level), when to use CurrentCulture vs. CurrentUICulture, globalization rollout plan (for example, setting base default language, planning localization), handling Unicode data (for example, what fields to include, request encoding), right-to-left support, vertical text and non-Latin topographies, calendars, data formatting, sorting

                UI Localization

                Data Localization


                CurrentCulture vs. CurrentUICulture

                Planning localization


                righ-to-left support

                Vertical text Non-Latin typos

                Calendars / Data formatting


                70-519 – parte 3a
                8:01 | Author: Unknown

                Designing the User Experience (17%)


                Parte 0 | Parte 1 | Parte 2 

                Design the site structure.

                This objective may include but is not limited to: designing application segmentation for manageability and security (for example, using areas, shared views, master pages, and nested master pages), appropriate use of style sheets, client-side scripting, themes, client ID generation, rendering element modes, routing engine

                Una digresión, leamos un poco sobre UX http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_experience


                Una pagina interesante para ver los cambios de Asp.Net 4 y que nos va a ayudar a entender un poco mas estos puntos http://www.asp.net/LEARN/whitepapers/aspnet4/default.aspx
                Ahora yendo punto por punto vamos buscando mas material que nos pueda servir para prepararnos mejor.


                Areas let you group controllers and views into sections of a large application in relative isolation from other sections. Each area can be implemented as a separate ASP.NET MVC project that can then be referenced by the main application. This helps manage complexity when you build a large application and makes it easier for multiple teams to work together on a single application.

                Shared Views
                Master Pages

                Nested Master Pages

                Style Sheets

                Client-side scripting



                Client ID generation


                Rendering elements modes

                By default, when a Web application or Web site targets the .NET Framework 4, the controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion attribute of the pages element is set to "4.0". This element is defined in the machine-level Web.config file and by default applies to all ASP.NET 4 applications:

                <pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5|4.0"/>

                The value for controlRenderingCompatibility is a string, which allows potential new version definitions in future releases. In the current release, the following values are supported for this property:

                • "3.5". This setting indicates legacy rendering and markup. Markup rendered by controls is 100% backward compatible, and the setting of the xhtmlConformance property is honored.

                • "4.0". If the property has this setting, ASP.NET Web server controls do the following:

                  • The xhtmlConformance property is always treated as "Strict". As a result, controls render XHTML 1.0 Strict markup.

                  • Disabling non-input controls no longer renders invalid styles.

                  • div elements around hidden fields are now styled so they do not interfere with user-created CSS rules.

                  • Menu controls render markup that is semantically correct and compliant with accessibility guidelines.

                  • Validation controls do not render inline styles.

                  • Controls that previously rendered border="0" (controls that derive from the ASP.NET Table control, and the ASP.NET Image control) no longer render this attribute.

                Routing engine



                  • Plan for cross-browser and/or form factors.

                    This objective may include but is not limited to: evaluating the impact on client side behaviors, themes, bandwidth, style sheets (including application design - task based or scaled rendering of existing page), when to apply Browsers file, structural approaches, user agents, different platforms (mobile vs. desktop)

                  • Plan for globalization.

                    This objective may include but is not limited to: designing to support local, regional, language, or cultural preferences, including UI vs. data localization (for example, implementing at database level or resource level), when to use CurrentCulture vs. CurrentUICulture, globalization rollout plan (for example, setting base default language, planning localization), handling Unicode data (for example, what fields to include, request encoding), right-to-left support, vertical text and non-Latin topographies, calendars, data formatting, sorting

                    • 70-519 – parte 2
                      2:55 | Author: Unknown


                      Parte 0
                      Parte 1


                      Designing the Application Architecture (19%)

                      Un buen libro del equipo de patterns&practices que nos puede ayudar con esta parte del examen es

                      Plan the division of application logic

                      This objective may include but is not limited to: choosing between client-side and server side processing, planning separation of concern, (for example, partitioning functionality between controllers and evaluating business and data service consumption), planning for long-running processes (for example, synchronous vs. asynchronous)


                      Long-running process (synchro vs. asynchro)

                      Analyze requirements and recommend a system topology

                      This objective may include but is not limited to: designing interaction between applications, mapping logical design to physical implementation, validating nonfunctional requirements and cross-cutting concerns (for example, communications, operations management, and security), evaluating baseline needs (for example, scale and quality of service)

                      Cross-cutting concerns

                      Evaluating baseline needs

                      Choose appropriate client-side technologies

                      This objective may include but is not limited to: JavaScript, ASP.NET AJAX, jQuery, Microsoft Silverlight


                      Asp.Net WebForms

                      Asp.Net MVC






                      Choose appropriate server-side technologies

                      This objective may include but is not limited to: user controls, server controls, partials, custom HtmlHelper extensions, Web parts, inheriting controls, dynamic data controls

                      User controls

                      Server controls

                      Web parts


                      Custom HtmHelper extensions

                      Inheriting controls

                      dynamic data controls

                      Desing state management

                      This objective may include but is not limited to: designing an application for the proper use of application state, session state, and request state (for example, ViewState, ControlState, Cache object, cookies, and client-side persistence)

                      Application state

                      Session state

                      Request state ( ViewState, ControlState, Cache object, cookies, and client-side persistence, Velocity)


                      70-519 Beta – parte 1
                      2:36 | Author: Unknown

                      Rol del Web server  y protocolo HTTP

                      El web server responde a llamadas generadas por un browser. La llamada básica es

                      GET /Default.aspx HTTP/1.1

                      Host: www.hoversoft.com.ar


                      En esta llamada por medio del verbo Get el browser le solicita el recurso Default.aspx (pagina por defecto de Asp.Net) del servidor hoversoft utilizando el protocolo HTPP 1.1 (Estandar actual)

                      El servidor puede responder con un recurso estático y cerrar la conexión (Stateless) o mas actualmente puede dejar información de sesión y la conexión abierta (por ejemplo llamadas mediante AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

                      En este momento es importante revisar los verbos básicos del estandar HTTP 1.1

                      Los Request y Response son manejados por Asp.Net con wrappers que nos permiten realizar varias acciones con ellos.

                      La estructura de un response es algo similar a

                      HTTP/1.1 200 OK

                      Server: Microsoft/IIS 6.0

                      Content-Type: text/html

                      Content-Lenght: 38

                      <html><body>Hello, World!</body></html>


                      En la primera línea se encuentra el código de status, los cuales recomiendo conocer al menos los básicos.

                      En la tercera línea del response tenemos el MIME type, los cuales también es conveniente conocer los tipos básicos.

                      Se puede utilizar Microsoft Network monitor o un simple Telnet para ver y analizar el flujo de conexiones entre el servidor y el browser.

                      El examen 70-519 es parte del camino para la MCPD (Microsoft Ceritified Professional Developer). Al ser un examen nuevo no existen aun materiales programáticos para prepararlo. Encontraremos material en el examen 70-562 TS: Microsoft .Net Fameqork 3.5 Asp.Net development, (hay que tener en cuenta que este examen era relacionado al framework 3.5 y se utilizaba la version 2008 del VIsual Studio, mientras que el que voy a preparar utiliza el framework 4 y la version 2010 del Visual Studio)

                      Por ser un examen beta tengo chance para rendirlo hasta el 30 de abril, pero lo schedulee (valga el anglicismo) para el 20 de abril. Con lo que empecemos.


                      Designing the Application Architecture (19%)
                      • Plan the division of application logic.

                        This objective may include but is not limited to: choosing between client-side and server side processing, planning separation of concern, (for example, partitioning functionality between controllers and evaluating business and data service consumption), planning for long-running processes (for example, synchronous vs. asynchronous)
                      • Analyze requirements and recommend a system topology.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: designing interaction between applications, mapping logical design to physical implementation, validating nonfunctional requirements and cross-cutting concerns (for example, communications, operations management, and security), evaluating baseline needs (for example, scale and quality of service)
                      • Choose appropriate client-side technologies.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: JavaScript, ASP.NET AJAX, jQuery, Microsoft Silverlight
                      • Choose appropriate server-side technologies.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: user controls, server controls, partials, custom HtmlHelper extensions, Web parts, inheriting controls, dynamic data controls
                      • Design state management.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: designing an application for the proper use of application state, session state, and request state (for example, ViewState, ControlState, Cache object, cookies, and client-side persistence)
                      Designing the User Experience (17%)
                      • Design the site structure.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: designing application segmentation for manageability and security (for example, using areas, shared views, master pages, and nested master pages), appropriate use of style sheets, client-side scripting, themes, client ID generation, rendering element modes, routing engine
                      • Plan for cross-browser and/or form factors.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: evaluating the impact on client side behaviors, themes, bandwidth, style sheets (including application design - task based or scaled rendering of existing page), when to apply Browsers file, structural approaches, user agents, different platforms (mobile vs. desktop)
                      • Plan for globalization.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: designing to support local, regional, language, or cultural preferences, including UI vs. data localization (for example, implementing at database level or resource level), when to use CurrentCulture vs. CurrentUICulture, globalization rollout plan (for example, setting base default language, planning localization), handling Unicode data (for example, what fields to include, request encoding), right-to-left support, vertical text and non-Latin topographies, calendars, data formatting, sorting
                      Designing Data Strategies and Structures (18%)
                      • Design data access.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: choosing data access technologies such as ADO.NETData Services, Entity Framework, Windows Communications Foundation (WCF), and ASP.NET Web Services
                      • Design data presentation and interaction.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: pulling data from data layer and binding into views, pages, and controls, and pulling data back to data layer by using ModelBinders, data source controls, and HtmlHelper extensions, or programmatically
                      • Plan for data validation.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: contextual validation vs. data integrity, where to validate data, synchronization between UI and data layer, data annotations
                      Designing Security Architecture and Implementation (17%)
                      • Plan for operational security.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: approaches for process- and resource-level security, including local and remote resources, Code Access Security (CAS), including trust level, process identity, application pool, and identity tag
                      • Design an authentication and authorization model.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: authentication providers, including WindowsForms, and custom user identity flowthrough (for example, trusted subsystem), role management, membership providers, URL authorization (for example, AuthorizationAttribute), file authorization, Authorization Manager (AzMan)
                      • Plan for minimizing attack surfaces.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: input validation, throttling inputs, request filtering, where to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
                      Preparing For and Investigating Application Issues (15%)
                      • Choose a testing methodology.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: black box, white box, integration, regression, coverage, API testing, performance testing, security testing

                        This objective does not include: load testing, Web testing, unit testing
                      • Design an exception handling strategy.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: HandleError attribute in MVC, common error pages, post-error processing, global vs. page level
                      • Recommend an approach to debugging.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: tools and approaches for a given scenario (for example, memory dumps, DebuggingAttributes, crashes vs. hangs, deadlocks, assembly binding), when to attach to process (Visual Studio Development Server vs. IIS vs. Internet Explorer), root cause analysis
                        This objective does not include: basic breakpoints
                      • Recommend an approach to performance issues.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: which instrumentation to watch or create (including performance counters and event tracing) to analyze performance issues, page and fragment caching
                      Designing a Deployment Strategy (14%)
                      • Design a deployment process.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: Windows Installer (MSI) vs. xcopy vs. Web Deployment Tool, scaling, rolling deployments
                      • Design configuration management.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: using the ConfigSource attribute (for example, connection strings), staging vs. production vs. development, topologies, machine.config vs. web.config, using IIS vs. Visual Studio Development Server during development, application pools, configuration inheritance
                      • Plan for scalability and reliability.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: scaling up, scaling out, at physical level and at architectural level, impact of offloading technologies on load balancing, including state, synchronizing machine and encryption keys
                      • Design a health monitoring strategy.
                        This objective may include but is not limited to: when to monitor application or business-related events (e.g., on UI every time clicked or in business layer), determining a strategy for using ASP.NET Health Monitoring, throttling, filtering, delivery method


                      Indispensable. Visual Studio 2010 profesional o superior. Se puede bajar el RC.

                      MSDN y seleccionar las opciones de .Net Framework 4

                      Material de Microsoft Learning no hay disponible aun.

                      Material bibliográfico Self-Pace Training Kit. Para el framework 3.5 (verificar las diferencias)


                      Diferencias entre los frameworks

                      En MSDN y en StackOverflow